Enjoy a delicious breakfast at The Glacier Hotel in Les Diablerets ! For a moment of indulgence and conviviality with friends and family.
Located in the heart of Les Diablerets, The Glacier Hotel welcomes you for breakfast every Saturday from 7am to 10am ! For a gentle (and delicious) start to the weekend !
The Glacier Hotel's breakfast offers a wide selection of special breads, pastries, jams and honey from its own beehives.
You'll also find a selection of local cheeses and fine charcuterie, as well as smoked salmon, scrambled or boiled eggs, bacon and chipolatas. Fresh fruit and vegetables are served alongside dried fruit, yoghurts and a variety of cereals, providing a healthy and balanced option. For lovers of hot drinks, coffee in all its forms, flavoured teas and hot chocolate complete this morning feast.